

mfd88Alex |張貼 2012 年 6 月 30 日
幾天前,我去看移動"階梯 49"的著名電影有關消防隊員們冒生命的危險去救別人。在影片的功能現場,演員之一說:"他們 (消防) 正在做這種危險的作品,但他們只會變得"
從知道許多消防隊員在臺灣,聽他們抱怨的工作環境、 薪酬、 工作詳細資訊後,我可以說什麼 butTaiwanese 消防隊員有一個真正多工的機器人。
要對你說實話,消防員的工作可能超越所有其他最危險的工作。例如,您可以成為軍事,但永遠不會打一場戰爭 ;您可以將炸彈隊成員,但永遠不會刪除該炸彈。然而,被消防員,你不會錯過一場火災。
在臺灣,雖然不是很多 LODD (責任死亡線) 消防隊員相比美國 (從 1952 年,目前,有責任死亡消防隊員 90 線),我們所謂的"紙作品"、 多工和官僚作風可以真的傷了消防隊員。
但為什麼在多工處理機器人比較它們呢?我從一個由大約 9000 臺灣消防隊員組成的 facebook 組收集資料。這裡是他們必須執行一個工作清單,但是,而不說他們可以做下面的清單,他們實際上患他們。
1.多功能醫療緊急情況 (如普通醫療電話、 精神錯亂的調用、 尿失禁、 車禍、 自殺電話、 酒/藥物的影響,水救援,心理上的問題不能撒尿 ... ... 在午夜,等等。)臺灣 EMS (緊急醫療服務) 要面臨很大的不同類型的緊急事件。到荒謬,可以從一個大折病人不同這些調用調用等有白頭髮或由這可怕的惡夢醒來。從調用返回車站後, 他們要做所有的紙質文檔包括事件完整報告上載到緊急醫療網路。在一些城市,他們甚至要求他們寄出卡同情患者)
澄清一下,救護車與行為像苜蓿之一是臺灣消防作業的一部分運行,有時,EMS 不會有足夠多的人拿出的救護車。
2.消防 (將放了火就像每個消防隊員做各種)
3.特種車輛運營商 (包括油輪、 化工單位、 救援、 警、 吉普車、 梯子/卡車,重型救援,救援船 ... ... 等等)

4.捕獲所有類型的動物和家畜 (貓、 狗、 蛇、 鱷魚、 狐狸、 猴、 豬、 蜜蜂、 火蟻 ... ... 您命名它。根據其中之一,他們要捉一隻雞,因為它掉進了水)


7.在每個公司、 工廠、 學校、 俱樂部執行 CPR 指令 ... ...(和類材料必須吸引到類侍)

8.防火 (火災預防各類包括小話劇。 必須執行並在每個地方,他們去預防)

9.多文檔工人 (所有活動都費用,官方報告,所有呼叫的詳細資訊和紙質文檔、 培訓 documents_
10.監督火災預防保管人 (檢查或者其許可證過期或不是,是否有週期性培訓或不,無論它是遵循規則或不)
11.檢查消防安全 (商業建築、 住宅、 學校、 各類等零售商店、 超市、 商場、 工廠。檢查每個滅火器感煙探測器、 緊急出口、 應急燈、 緊急報警系統、 自動噴水滅火系統和更多)

12.作為看門人或者清潔工的執行 (如洗,道路、 清理路障像樹木一樣、 清潔樹葉、 灌木叢、 沖洗家畜的排泄物的道路上)

13.多工 (不只是緊急召喚,他們經常接到電話出去的"關鍵掉進雨水管","鎖定他/她出了房子"、"向供水住戶需要水"、"汽車停新驅動程式"... ... 和 ridiculious 的所有調用)

14.免費郵遞服務 (提供相關的所有消防局和政府活動相關站與站在每個城市之間的郵件)

15.國家安全具有去除化學襲擊炸彈的技能 (必須處理所有化學攻擊,所以,現在我們知道他們不只會學會如何打擊化學事故,他們還必須知道如何解除炸彈)

16.儀器檢查 (要知道如何處理所有裝置問題,消防公司沒有機械師檢查儀器,每個消防隊員必須要知道如何解決他們的器材。蠟和清潔器具,這包括輪胎、 發動機罩下下身體和所有工具, 內)

17.電腦技術 (已知道如何繪製、 設計、 做的報告中的電腦軟體和有 self-learn 的電腦技能)


19.運動員 (3000meters,體重升降,全齒輪,爬上 10 層樓推,坐起身來,30 公斤救援拖 ... ...)


21.談判專家 (有洽談,自殺患者)

22.日常吊袋幹事 (做得不錯的人,會責備和懲罰誰沒做良好 ; 誰很大,但不是知道如何討好官員已被責備和懲罰 ; 誰大並知道如何討好該警務人員有要歸咎于從同事的消防隊員 ; 誰大知道如何腳輪、 而且有良好的關係,與其他人要指責,也因為害怕失去他們的工作人員)

23.語音專家: 已知道如何"交談"

24.機器人 (帶有很多量調用,平均 4 小時的睡眠 ... ...)


這些是臺灣的消防隊員已幾乎每天執行的任務。有人會問,從做這麼多的任務,他們必須得到很好治療嗎?在處理,臺灣消防員月薪是平均 $2000 美國美元每月。在臺灣臺北市首都等大城市和第二大城市高雄市,他們的平均工資為每小時,約 6 元其他城市,平均薪水是每小時約 5 億美元。調用的數量,到城市仍然高比較。
談保險,除非你陣亡像 LODD 一樣,臺灣的消防人員不會獲得任何其它意外覆蓋。換言之,如果你受傷期間救援任務中,您也不會任何蓋。

我讀這篇文章之後,我覺得是真的我就可以成為消防員在這裡在美國,但不是在臺灣雖然是來自哪裡的運氣。臺灣消防隊員可以在世界大多數多功能消防隊員。他們患在這樣短的時間內做所有的東西。所有的工程和就業機會,應該是其他部門的工作都落在消防處,這種巨大的壓力和來自公眾和有關人員的壓力,臺灣的消防隊員變得越來越感到沮喪和被淹沒。他們的工作,不能公平,分發像水公司負責消火栓 ;公路部門是負責的路障和樹。寫這篇文章,我希望我們可以更改的方式,現在是我們可以吸引人們的注意力、 我們可以爭取的公平分配和放在一起,公平對待、 我們可以爭取我們的聲譽和贏得我們的尊重。畢竟,誰想成為一個多工的機器人?
Few days ago, I went to watch the move "Ladder 49" the famous movie about the firefighters risking their life to save the others. In the features scene of the movie, one of the actor says:"They (firefighter) are doing such a dangerous works, but they can only get so much"
From knowing many firefighters in Taiwan, after listening to their complaining of the working environment, salaries, working details, I can say nothing butTaiwanese firefighters are a real multi-tasking robot.
To be honest to you, firefighter's job could be the most dangerous job beyond all the others. For example, you can become a military but never fight a single war; you can be a bomb squad member but never remove the bomb. However, being a firefighter, you will not miss a fire.
In Taiwan, although there is not a lot of LODD (Line Of Duty Death) firefighters compared to the U.S.(From 1952 to present, there are 90 line of duty death firefighters), our so-called "paper works", muti-tasks, and bureaucracy can really hurt the firefighters.
But why do I compare them to the multitasking robots? I collected the data from a facebook group formed by approximately 9000 Taiwanese firefighters. Here is a task list they have to perform, however, instead of saying they can do the following list, they are actually suffering from them.
1.Mutifunctional medical emergencies (such as regular medical calls, mental disorder calls, incontinence, car accidents, suicide calls, alcohol/drug influenced, water rescue, psychological problems, cannot pee in the middle of the night...and so on.) Taiwanese EMS (Emergency Medical Service) have to face lots of different types of emergency incidents. These calls can be varied from a large truma patient to the ridiculous call such as have a white hair or wake up by the scary nightmare. After return to the station from the call, they have to do all the paper documents include upload the incident full report to the emergency medical network. In some cities, they even ask them to send out the card to sympathize the patients)
Just to clarify, Running with the ambulance and act like one of the medic is part of the Taiwanese firefighter's job and sometimes, EMS won't have enough people to take the ambulance out.

2. Firefighting (putting out all kinds of fire just like every firefighters do)

3. Special vehicles operator (include tanker, chemical units, rescue, squad, jeep, ladder/truck, heavy rescue., rescue boat...and so)

4. Catch all types of animals and livestock (cats, dogs, snakes, crocodiles, foxes, monkeys, pigs, bees, fire ants...you name it. According to one of them, they have to catch a chicken because it fell off into the water)

5. Inspect and give out the citation for the expired or illegal stored gas steel cylinders

6. Inspect and give out the citation for the illegal stored fire works. include underground fire works factory.

7. Perform a CPR instruction in every company, factory, schools, club...(and the class materials must be attracted to the class attendents)

8. Fire Prevention (All kinds of fire prevention include the little drama. must be performed along with the prevention in every places they go)

9. Muti-document workers (all the activities expenses, official reports, all the calls details and paper documents, training documents_

10. Supervise the fire prevention custodians (inspect either their license expired or not, whether they have the regular trainings or not, whether it is following the rules or not)

11. Inspect the fire safety (all kinds of commercial buildings, residential buildings, schools, retail stores, super market, shopping mall, factories and so on. Check for every fire extinguisher, smoke detector, emergency exits, emergency lights, emergency alarm system, sprinkler system and more)

12. Perform as a janitor or cleaners (like washing the roads, clean the road blocks like trees, clean the leaves, bushes, wash down the livestocks' excrement on the road )

13. Muti-Tasking (not only the emergency calls, they often got call out for the "key fell into the storm drain", "lock him/herself out of the house", "supply water to the household who need water", " park the car for the new driver"...and all the ridiculious calls)

14. Free Mail delivery (deliver all the fire station related and government activity related mails between stations and stations in every cities)

15. National Security with the skills of removing the chemical attack bomb (have to deal with all the chemical attacks, so now we know they are not only going to learn how to fight the chemical incident, they also have to know how to disarm the bomb)

16. Apparatus Inspection (have to know how to deal with all the apparatus's problem, fire company does not have the mechanic to check the apparatus, every firefighters have to know how to fix their apparatus. Wax and clean the apparatus, this include inside the tires, under the hood, under the body, and all the tools)

17. Computer Technic (has to know how to draw, design, do the reports in computer sofeware and have to self-learn the computer skills)

18. Have to memorize all the streets, roads and know the location of every fire hydrants

19. Athlete (3000meters, weight lifting, full gear to climb the 10 story building, push up, sit up, 30 kg rescue drag...)

20. Diver and lifeguard. Every firefighters have to know how to dive or river/water rescue

21. negotiation specialist (have to negotiate with the suicide patient)

22. Daily punching bag for the officer (the one who did good has to be blamed and punished along with the one who didn't do good; the one who did great but don't know how to fawn on the officers has to be blamed and punished; the one who did great and know how to fawn on the officer has to be blamed from the fellow firefighters; the one who did great, know how to truckle, and has the good relationship with others have to be blamed, too, because the officers afraid to loose their jobs)

23. Speech specialist: has to know how to "talk"

24. Robot (with lots volume of calls, average 4 hours of sleep...)

25. Have to do something else for the officers like buying the lunch, clean the office for the officer.

These are the tasks that Taiwanese firefighters have to perform almost daily. People might ask, from doing such a lot of tasks, they must get treated well? No. As far as the treatment, monthly salary for a Taiwanese firefighter is average $2,000 U.S. Dollars per month. In big cities such as the Capital of Taiwan-Taipei City, and the second biggest city Kaohsiung city, their average salary is about $6 per hour, In the other cities, the average salary is about $5 per hour. And the amount of calls is still high compare to the cities.
Talking about insurance, unless you are killed in the action like LODD, Taiwanese firefighters will not get any other accident cover. In the other words, if you are injured during the rescue task, you will not get any cover.

After I read the article, I feel that I am really luck that I can become a firefighter here in the U.S. but not in Taiwan although that is where I came from. Taiwanese firefighters can be the most mutifunctional firefighters in the world. They are suffering from doing all the stuff in such a short amount of time. All the works and jobs which are supposed to be the other departments' job are falling on the fire department, with such a huge stress and pressure coming from the public and the officers, Taiwanese firefighters are getting frustrated and overwhelmed. Their jobs cannot be distributed fairly, like water company is responsible for the hydrant; Highway department is reponsible for the road blocks and trees. By writing this article, I hope we can change the way it is now, we can get people's attention, we can fight for the fair distribution and the fair treatment together, and we can fight for our reputation and earn our respect. Afterall, who wants to be a multitasking robot?

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